The Sanjeevani Project is an ambitious effort to treat congenital heart disease in India and around the world – for free. 

Our work with the Sanjeevani Project helped reduce the costs of lifesaving congenital heart defect surgery to less than $2000. 

India has a high rate of pediatric congenital heart diseases, with estimates of 180,000 children born with congenital heart disease every year. Progression of these diseases leads to heart failure requiring transplantation, and unfortunately there is a significant lack of access to pediatric heart surgeries in the country. The limited availability of cardiac centers that offer pediatric cardiac surgery, the high cost of surgery, and low screening rates all contribute to this problem. The cost of heart surgery for a child in India can range from 2-3.5 Million Indian rupees (roughly equivalent to $27,000 to $47,000 USD). As a result, many children with end-stage heart disease do not have access to the life-saving procedure of heart transplantation. This situation highlights the urgent need for better healthcare infrastructure and policies to improve access to congenital heart defect surgery and pediatric heart transplantation for the most vulnerable patients in India. We made it our mission to work with Indian hospitals to reduce the costs and increase the efficiency of these life-saving procedures.